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Nurse Lisa, NP

Nurse Lisa, NP

Cosmetic NP Injector, Sclerotherapist, PRP Skin Rejuvenation | IV Therapy, Migraine Therapy | Hyperhidrosis

Nurse Lisa is a Nurse Practitioner NP, who graduated from the Bachelor of Science in Nursing- University of Ottawa program in 2017 and is a newly added member of our Medical Team at Ottawa MediSPA. She began her Esthetics career taking basic and advanced neurotoxin and filler courses and has expanded her knowledge to include Skin Rejuvenation Rejuvenation, Sclerotherapy, Lipolysis, Hyperhidrosis, Neuromodulators for Chronic Migraines and many more.

She is passionate about combining her love for art and medicine to enhance each client’s natural beauty. With her compassion, artistry, and advanced nursing knowledge, Nurse Lisa strives to be there with clients throughout their Esthetics journey. She advocates for clients to admire the beauty in themselves emotionally, mentally, and physically. Nurse Lisa welcomes you in for a complimentary consultation with her.