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Belkyra™ Double Chin Injection

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What is Belkyra™?

BELKYRA is an injectable medication approved by Health Canada that when injected may give a reduction in submental fullness, otherwise known as double chin. The treatment is non-invasive and non-surgical and performed by a Licensed Medical Professional from consultation to completion. We are not able to disclose any further information online due to Health Canada compliance law. For more information, kindly give us a call.

How Do They Help?

Depending on your treatment goals, we have many different options for you. All medical treatments performed at Ottawa MediSPA occur under the supervision of a licensed medical physician, from consultation to completion. In according with Health Canada compliance laws, we cannot disclose or give more information online. Please give us a call and we would love to discuss this product.

What Areas Can Be Treated?

There are many different treatments available depending on the goal. All medical treatments performed at Ottawa MediSPA occur under the supervision of a licensed medical physician, from consultation to completion. In according with Health Canada compliance laws, we cannot disclose or give more information online. Please give us a call and we would love to discuss how we can help.

About Medical Services

Do I need to prepare for my medical injectable treatment?

Clients are encouraged to come with a clean washed face, however it is not necessary as the skin is cleaned prior to an injection.

Are there any risks associated with medical injectables?

Some clients experience swelling at the injection site, tenderness and bruising. It is best to adhere to the instructions that are provided by the Injector.

Is there any downtime with using Neuromodulators?

Downtime can vary based on person and procedure. All medical treatments performed at Ottawa MediSPA occur under the supervision of a licensed medical physician, from consultation to completion. In according with Health Canada compliance laws, we cannot disclose or give more information online. Please give us a call and we would love to discuss how we can help.

Is there any downtime with using Juvederm® dermal fillers?

Recovery times vary based on person and procedure. All medical treatments performed at Ottawa MediSPA occur under the supervision of a licensed medical physician, from consultation to completion. In according with Health Canada compliance laws, we cannot disclose or give more information online. Please give us a call and we would love to discuss how we can help.

Is there any downtime with Mesotherapy?

Some clients may experience tenderness to the injection site and possible bruising and goosebumps which may last up to three days. Clients may require 1-3 treatments for optimal results. Clients might feel a slight burning sensation or a slight pinching when the injections are administered. Hot showers should be avoided for eight hours after treatment. Your Injector will advise you of your recovery time and aftercare.

Is there any downtime with Sclerotherapy?

There is no downtime with Sclerotherapy treatments. In the first few days itching, bruising, aching, redness and swelling are common. Most of these symptoms resolve spontaneously. Most clients will require 3-8 treatments.

Is there any downtime with Belkyra™?

Downtime and recovery are entirely based on the person and procedure. All medical treatments performed at Ottawa MediSPA occur under the supervision of a licensed medical physician, from consultation to completion. In according with Health Canada compliance laws, we cannot disclose or give more information online. Please give us a call and we would love to discuss how we can help.

How long does it take to see full results from Neuromodulators, Juvederm®, Mesotherapy, Sclerotherapy or Belkyra™?

Duration depends entirely on the product or process selected. All medical treatments performed at Ottawa MediSPA occur under the supervision of a licensed medical physician, from consultation to completion. In according with Health Canada compliance laws, we cannot disclose or give more information online. Please give us a call and we would love to discuss how we can help.

How long do results from medical injectables last?

Longevity of our services offered depends on a number of factors. All medical treatments performed at Ottawa MediSPA occur under the supervision of a licensed medical physician, from consultation to completion. In according with Health Canada compliance laws, we cannot disclose or give more information online. Please give us a call and we would love to discuss how we can help.

At Ottawa Medispa Orleans

We believe that every individual is unique and that treatments should be specifically designed to meet each person’s needs and expectations. That is why Ottawa MediSPA Orleans offers complimentary Skin Consultations to help you find the Product, Service, or Treatment Plan that is right for you. At Ottawa MediSPA Orleans, we encourage you to love your every age. Come see what we have to offer – you deserve it.

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