PCDC Double Chin Injection

This is a safe, non-surgical alternative treatment to liposuction that targets and eliminates unwanted fat cells.

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Double Chin Fat Reduction 1 Session

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Original price was: $600.00.Current price is: $480.00.

Double Chin Fat Reduction 2 Sessions

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Original price was: $1,800.00.Current price is: $1,620.00.

Double Chin Fat Reduction with PCDC (6 Sessions)

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Original price was: $3,600.00.Current price is: $2,880.00.

What is PCDC Lipolysis?

The name PCDC Lipolysis comes from a combination of phosphatidylcholine deoxycholic acid (PCDC) and lipodissolve also known as lipolysis or mesotherapy. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule found in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. The PCDC Lipolysis treatment is intended to reduce and destroy unwanted fat cells.

How does this treatments work for fines lines and wrinkles?

The fractional skin resurfacing laser safely divides laser beam into thousands of treatment zones allowing the beam to target a fraction of your skin. The beam coagulates microcolums within the epidermis and dermis stimulating collagen, elastin, improving skin tone, texture and discoloration. Our body natural healing process will rebuilds the tissue, providing an even skin texture therefore minimizing wrinkles.  You will see continuing improvements with the appearance of your skin during and after a course of treatments, with visible results after each treatment. 

How can it help?

The medication destroys the cell membrane causing lysis when injected into the tissue. The fat cells absorb the medication, become temporarily inflamed and harden, and then are broken down and eliminated by the body’s natural processes.

What areas can be treated?

PCDC Lipolysis is administered by way of micro-injections which are injected locally into the subcutaneous fat found in the targeted treatment areas. This treatment is currently used in treatments of the unwanted fat found in the submental (double chin) and other small areas.

At Ottawa MediSpa

We believe that every individual is unique and that treatments should be specifically designed to meet each person’s needs and expectations. That is why Ottawa MediSPA Trainyards offers complimentary Skin Consultations to help you find the Product, Service, or Treatment Plan that is right for you. At Ottawa MediSPA Trainyards, we encourage you to love your every age. Come see what we have to offer – you deserve it.

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