Laser Genesis

Laser Genesis is a noninvasive procedure that uses a laser to gently heat the skin, resulting in the production of new skin cells and collagen.

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Laser Genesis Full Face


Laser Genesis Full Face 3 sessions

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Original price was: $750.00.Current price is: $675.00.

Laser Genesis Full Face 6 sessions

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Original price was: $1,500.00.Current price is: $1,200.00.

What is Laser Genesis?

Laser Genesis is a noninvasive cosmetic procedure designed to improve the appearance of the skin by stimulating collagen production and targeting various skin concerns. It uses a specific type of laser, called a YAG, which emits light to penetrate the skin’s layers safely. This process stimulates the body’s natural healing response, which stimulates collagen and cell turnover, resulting in smoother, more even skin.

How can Laser Genesis help?

The heat from Laser Genesis can help smooth the skin and reduce the look of colour and textured skin imperfections. Its ability to gently target fine lines, wrinkles, scarring, large pores, acne scaring, dark spots, and redness, including rosacea, perfectly enhances overall skin quality.

What can you expect during a Laser Genesis treatment?

Laser genesis is often called the “lunch break treatment” as it is a quick procedure that typically takes approximately 30 minutes. The procedure itself is virtually painless. You will feel light heat on the treatment area, with some patients describing it as pleasant, almost like the sun on the face. Post-treatment recovery from laser genesis is minimal, and you should be able to resume normal activities immediately.

How many treatments will I need?

The best results will typically appear after 3-6 treatments with recommended yearly maintenance treatments. It will take between 2 to 4 weeks after your first session to start noticing your skin looks brighter and more youthful. 

At Ottawa MediSpa

We believe that every individual is unique and that treatments should be specifically designed to meet each person’s needs and expectations. That is why Ottawa MediSPA Trainyards offers complimentary Skin Consultations to help you find the Product, Service, or Treatment Plan that is right for you. At Ottawa MediSPA Trainyards, we encourage you to love your every age. Come see what we have to offer – you deserve it.

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